Crystal's Thoughts, Ideas, Vents, and Babble

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Catch up--not to be mistaken for Catsup.

Apologies for the immense time between posts, real life, you know. School is, well, finished for the semester, finally. I worked insanely hard this semester, and pulled all A’s and B’s… perhaps hard work really does pay off after all. :) I have an insane load next semester, 20 credit hours, which, on top of my state boards, should make for an interesting and stressful 16 weeks. Looking on the brighter side, however, I must keep reminding myself that I’ve only got one more semester of classes to suffer through, and then student teaching. I’m ready to be in the schools, much more ready than I’d have ever believed to be possible. This time next year I will be officially done and graduated.

Every semester we are given placements in the schools for observations. This semester, being in Block I, we were expected to do more than just observe… we actually had numerous opportunities to teach. I taught an entire three week, 2nd grade math unit, all by myself. Yes. Math. I know, I was shocked to have survived, too. My main placement, however was not in 2nd grade, it was, in fact in Kindergarten. I was so upset to have been “assigned” in a Kindergarten class, after all, who in their right mind would willingly want to teach Kindergarten? I went in the first day, absolutely terrified. I came out, at the end of the observation period, which lasted about 12 days, absolutely in love with Kindergarten. Looking back now, I wonder what I was so afraid of. How could anyone fear a bunch of adorable five year olds? I’ve now got the mind set to teach Kindergarten if at all possible. I fell in love with the age, with the methods, and with the teaching in general.

People sometimes groan and complain that they have to get up and go to work in the morning. Teaching for me isn’t work. It’s a calling. Teaching is what I’m meant to do, whether it be in the school system or with my own children. Teaching isn’t, and will never be just a job for me; it will always be something much, much more, something immeasurably better.

Enough babble from me. Have a wonderful holiday everyone. Love you guys! ~Crystal


Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice one and hope you have a great vacation too :)

5:59 AM, December 14, 2006  

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